Friday, November 14, 2008

(Being / Becoming) Fabulous Friday

As a post-collegiate 20 something, there's an a life "upgrade" that must happen to head toward your real world self; similar to that which happened between high school and college but MUCH more intense.

One of the things that has to be upgraded is your 9-5 wardtrobe. And here's my suggestions for doing so...
  • Get out of the "Juniors" department. It may work on the weekends but unless you work at the Disney Channel or someplace really laid back you can't go to work looking like this:
but this --> will work.
  • Get out of the College/Greek/Misc College org T-shirts. Now I love my t-shirts along with the next person (especially when you realize how much you spent on them...) BUT when you find yourself wearing shirts that say "Homecoming 2003" and it's 2008 it's time to let them go as part of your default jeans + T-shirt weekend uniform. Try subbing them out for a plain tee like this one from Old Navy.

  • Get the 5 essentials: a classic coat, a pair of black pants, a classic black dress, jeans, and a white shirt AND make sure they fit correctly). These are the basics of any wardrobe and set the foundation for your closet. After all, how many events is a white shirt and jeans or black pants inappropriate?
  • Get some nice shoes. Rainbows, sneakers, and wedges aren't going to cut it everyday anymore. You need at least one pair of black shoes and one pair of brown, and they should be closed toe.

Happy shopping. :-)

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Thoughtful Thursday: The Difference Between Schoolwork and Work Work

Yesterday on my way home I was talking to my mom and telling her about this project that one of our interns is using for a school project as well as a work project.

During the convo I made this statement: "I feel that if the project was done for a school project it would be easier to do than as a work project. I told her that projects I had done for work had been similar to ones I had done for school and it was always easier in the school version."

She asked "Why? It's the same project either way, isn't it?"

My response: "Uhhhhh..." Blast. Why was it different?... And then I thought back to my freshamn year of college...

(insert "Twilight Zone" music + screen blur)

So it's orientation before my freshman year of college and I'm working on my schedule. I had a hole to fill and I was required to take a 100 level gym class to graduate from Wolfpack Country so I selected the easiest one I could find that fit in my schedule: Step Aerobics. I based my decision (as ever good new freshman that was an overacheiver would) on the following train of thought:

  1. I need an "A" in Step Aerobics.
  2. If I actually give it my all, I can actually get an "A"

  3. "A" is good so we'll do that one.

Then I met with my advisor who told me this: Gym was a class eligible for "credit only" status (meaning you could take it for a grade or as a pass-fail with no grade) and that as long as I got between a 70-100% I would pass with a lovely "S" for "satisfactory"on my transcipt.

Hmm. Interesting...

Because of my awesome lack of athelic skills, I decided "credit only" was the best option but I was still going to try in the class. Well because of this change in events instead of giving the class the 90-100% I had planned, I gave it exactly 74%, got my "S," and was done with 100 level gym classes. Woot.

Why did I tell you this?

In school, you were graded on the quality and effort of your work. If you put in 85% then you get out 85% and that's fine cause that's still a B. In aerobics I gave 74% and passed...and even if it had been a grade it would have been a "C" and let's be honest and truthful: "Cs get degrees."

But what if my job had been aerobics?

I couldn't have gotten away with giving 74%, or hell even my B 85%. At your job you have to step it up and give 95-100% or you'll never move up in your career, if you even get to keep your job. Translation: You have to be an "A" student at your job just to keep it and an A+ student to advance it. Woah...

This moment of enlightment (and the answer to my mom's question) smacked me in the face like a Mack Truck:

"B" student status isn't going to cut it in the real world like it did in school. If you're a "B" employee you're less than average, not better. You have to get the work done, you have less time to do it, and it has to be as close to perfect as possible. I mean we're talking 95-100% range only, 100% of the time. Period.

Now why doesn't your advisor tell you that when you get to school so you can make that a habit form day one of college...

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

(house)Work Wednesday: Table Setting

Hey guys...

I'm pretty sick today so you'll have to wait until next week for the first real edition of the Wednesday segement of my enlightment: (house)Work Wednesday

To hold you over I'd like to recommend this blog from the Hyper Homemaker:

I feel that everyone should know how to set a table. Especially since my Southern mommy taught me how to do it when I was 8...gotta love us G.R.I.T.S. ;-)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Teach It Tuesday: Cured Ham

In the spirit of the holidays, here's this week's "Teach It" random answer.

What disease did "cured ham" actually have?

Ham has the ability to get Clostridium botulinum, a deadly microorganism. Curing the ham with salt and potassium nitrate inhibits the growth of this microorganism, therefore “curing” the ham and making it so it can’t infect you.

Hope you had a good Tuesday.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Money Monday: Lunch- My Daily Mid Day Dilemna and a hole in my wallet

One of the big things that I have learned in the first half of my 20s is how much it costs to feed myself. (Thank you Mom for feeding me for the first 18 years of my life.) I mean, I am in theory, I'm still paying for meals on my credit card from my first senior year of college. (Lesson learned: "Do not charge food and /or booze"... but that's for another Monday...)

I read this article on MSN ( about making a budget and this is the part that stuck out to me:

"Food: Basic groceries should cost a single person about $150 a month. You'll spend a lot more if you eat out frequently, however, or if you buy lots of processed foods, frozen dinners and gourmet stuff. Cut your food costs by bringing lunches and snacks from home. Substitute potlucks or picnics for expensive socializing at restaurants. Shop grocery-store sales, and learn to make a few healthy meals at home."

Makes sense right? One problem: I personally don't have/am willing to take the time to make lunch every morning or even every night.

Solution: Pack lunches for 5 days on Sunday afternoon.

This is what I did (with the assistance of Lil Lisa):

  1. Decide on the menu for the week. (Morning Snack: Yogurt and an orange; Lunch: Ham sandwich, orange, and salad; and Afternoon Snack: Fiber One Bar)
  2. Bought materials. (A loaf of bread, a small jar of Fat Free Miracle Whip, sliced deli ham, alfalfa, a half pound of Spring Mix salad, a bottle of salad dressing, pudding singles, 6 pack of yogurt, 5 oranges, and a box of Fiber One bars.)
  3. Got out 10 (5 sandwich ones and 5 round 2 cup) Glad plastic containers and 5 sandwich bags.
  4. Put a serving of ham in each sandwich bag.
  5. Layer contents of sandwich container as follows: 2 slices of bread, plastic bag with ham inside, and then alfalfa. This order will prevent any of the contents of the container from getting gross before Friday.
  6. In the 2 cup containers I put salad and croutons.
  7. I packed up my lunch and snacks for Monday and then put the rest in the fridge.

And now my fridge looks like this: (This is on Monday night so there's only 3 cause my Tuesday's lunch is already packed.)

Now all I have to do is put the lunches in my lunch box every night and then grab the lunch box in the morning when I get my water before heading to work.

Easy...and cheap. Total savings between last week (in which I ate out every day for lunch) and this week... $25. YAY!!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Hey Everyone...

I love to pass on information I have learned or picked as I've gotten older. So I decided that the best way to pass on this knowledge and archive it was to start another blog.

This one will be more focused than it's kinda random and temperamental blog-sister, Hope you all enjoy.