Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thoughtful Thursday: Decisions

If you all have time I want you to listen to this podcast from Radio Lab:

It's about the choice and how we make choices. It's very interesting.

For those who don't have the patience to listen, here's the take away:
You have two parts of your brain 1) Emotion and 2) Logic. They normally keep each other in check so that you can make choices. However they have a capacity, especially the logically side and if it has too much to handle, the other one has to take over. This is why when people are trying to figure out something (like why that boy didn't call, why they lost their job, or why their friends are acting weird) they are more likely to make more emotionally based emotions in other aspects of their life because the logically side is distracted and the emotional side is taking over. This could result in bad eating, drinking too much, and/or smoking.

Now I have a pretty well exercised analytical side...but I have a HORRIBLE diet. When I'm bored I can make lists and plan out foods and even go and buy everything but when I get to work and I've been analyzing things all day I become very impulsive in my only outlet during the lunch. I eat fast food and chicken even when I brought something else for lunch. I've struggled with my random cravings for forever and the more I think about things, the worse it gets. Hmmm...

Enlightenment: Less thinking might equal better eating...I'll let you know.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

(house)Work Wednesday: November Treats

One of the reasons that November is my second favorite month is because November means pumpkin flavored EVERYTHING.

Here's 10 recipes from the people over at Real Simple to inspire some pumpkin flavored appreciation.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Money Monday: Perfect Time for a Budget

So I woke up this morning and CNN told me about how the world's economy is going still going into the toilet and will be for...well the foreseeable future.

Made me think: Good time to revisit my budget and see where I can squeeze some extra savings out.

I made my first budget at 19 and I think it's the best habit I ever got into. (Now if only I could feel the same about diet and exercise...) If you don't have a budget and you have income, then you need to make one. It will help you so much in the long run to achieving your goals and being independent. You don't want to have to be 28 and not be able to buy a car if you need one.

Here's a resource with 79 other resources for budget making.

Work on yours this week and then next week I'll show you mine.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Selfish Sundays: Enlightenment comes from the most random places...

This might be the most insightful bumper sticker ever.

Enlightment brought to you by AIM speak and Facebook applications.