Saturday, January 3, 2009

Sabbatical Saturday: Resolution #3

My Sabbatical Saturday Resolution: Vacation more

I've been told that I'm a workaholic, most recently by my oldest friend, who I haven't seen in 2 years even though he lives at the beach and is in town for every holiday.

After he said that, I got to thinking about all the friends that I have scattered across the country and my love for going on why haven't I seen them more often? Cause I won't take time off and go anywhere and then in October I'm all burned out at work. There's really no excuse for that when I get 4-5 weeks vacation time a year....

This will not be the case in 2009. My plan is to go on a trip once a quarter in which I take PTO and don't take my laptop.

I've already got this quarter figured out because in about a month I'll be in LAS VEGAS with my girls for a bachelorette party. :-)

My thoughts for the other 3 quarters?
3 out of the USA's 4 largest cities: NYC, LA, Chicago, and Houston

Friday, January 2, 2009

Fabulous Friday: Resolution #2

My Fabulous Friday Resolution: Shop more.

That's right, I said shop MORE. I know you were expecting the cliche, "Lose 20 pounds" and don't worry that's a goal of mine too...but back to the shopping.

I am not one that spends a lot of money on durable goods. In fact, after looking at my finances a larger chunk of my money than I thought is not lost to the NY&Co and Targets of the world but to Whole Foods, Wendy's, and Outback. I look like a pauper and eat like a prince and in the process am essentially eating my hard earned money for a quick fix.

I've decided to that my goal for this year is to downgrade my eating out regime (which should help with the losing 20 pounds thing...) and use that surplus in my budget to upgrade my attire and footwear. Not only will I purchase more clothes and footwear, but I will purchase higher quality apparel, especially when it comes to the five essentials.

Carrie (and the title of my Lil Lisa's blog) say it best: I Like My Money Right Where I Can See It... Hanging In My Closet

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Thoughtful Thursday: Resolution #1

So it's a new year and with new years come resolutions. So for the first week of the year I'm going to share my seven resolutions.

My Thoughtful Thursday resolution: Do a better job of deciding what I want and making a plan to get there.

That's all I have for today, going to head back to watching the Private Practice marathon.