Wednesday, May 20, 2009

(house)Work Wednesday: Oh that whole resolution thing...

So in an effort to get back on track with my (house)Work Wednesday Resolution I made the following three dinners in the past week or so.

* This is the one Y.M. liked the best.

What did I learn in my cooking adventures?

  • "Louisiana hot sauce" DOES NOT equal "regular hot sauce" (aka Texas Pete.) If you are going to use Louisiana sauce, then you should water it down OR just don't use as much.
  • Flour thickens up sauces if they don't stay on wings (courtesy of my Y.M.)
  • You should really buy the regular chicken breast instead of the thinly cut...but if you buy the thinly cut by accident, you can always just fold the chicken in half; then it's just folded, instead of "stuffed." :-)