Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Teach it Tuesdays: Spell Check...

Thanks to MS Office and phones that complete our words, an increasing number of Americans can't spell for s**t. Unfortunately, I am included in this number.

On yesterday's post I spelled what should have been "their" (as in the possessive) "there" (as in the noun.) This is really sad coming from a former spelling bee champion (it was elementary school but still.)

This is an interesting article about the "lost art" of spelling. http://www.audiblox2000.com/learning_disabilities/spelling_problems.htm

Monday, August 31, 2009

Money Monday: How Americans spent there money

Since this was the last weekend for awhile that I don't have anything planned, (it's wedding season, part deux) so I was getting my life in order. Whilst reading through some emails I came across this one from a work colleague: How The Average U.S. Consumer Spends Their Paycheck.

Now the one thing that is clearly missing from this chart is any debt payments; not the things you charge to you your card every month (like food and clothes) but the cost of your debt (such as interest and fees.)

Either way, this chart is interesting and worth taking a look at. And while you're at it...

Take an hour and look at where you're money's going. I recommend using www.mint.com, it'll change the way you see your money. :-)