Wednesday, January 7, 2009

(house)Work Wednesday: Resolution #7

Note: Sorry for the delay in sending. I drafted but did not schedule this posting.

Finally my last resolution: Cook more meals at home.

Now, I'm not a big I don't cook at all...and I think 2009 is the year to work on that.

My plan?

Slowly increase the number of meals I cook from scratch at home. This is going to sound awful but I figured out that I haven't made a meal from scratch since September (and when I say "from scratch" Velveeta Mac and Cheese would count...) All my "at home" meals come out of frozen food packages or my Yankee Manfriend makes them for me. So this year I'm going to make sure that every month I will make at least the number of meals that corresponds with the month (i.e.: January-1, September-9.)

With the help of Better Home and Gardens,, and Shape hopefully I'll stop feeling so awkward in the kitchen.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Teach It Tuesday: Resolution #6

Note: Sorry for the delay in sending. I drafted but did not schedule this posting.

My Teach It Tuesday Resolution: I have decided to go back to school.

No, I'm not talking about getting my MBA (for now at least,) I'm talking about taking classes at the local community college. Taking classes is a good way to keep your brain exercised, learn new things, and meet new people. Last year Lil Lisa and I took graphic design to keep our brains from rotting and it was a lot of fun and only $55.

This year my plan is to take 2-3 classes, one that's in my profession, one domestic, and one totally random one. I'll let you know how it goes.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Money Monday: Resolution #5

On Friday I discussed my resolution to shop more and spend less on food and I'll have to make sure I'm saving enough money to do my Sabbitical Saturday resolution. Now how am I going to keep up with all that?

By doing my Money Monday resolution: Tracking my finances using the One of my Alpha Rho girls turned me onto it is pretty easy to use and very easy to manipulate into my obsessive accounting system that I developed as part of my (SUCCESSFUL!!!) debt busting resolution from 2008.

Hopefully we'll come out of this year in better financial shape for the second year running.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Selfish Sundays: Resolution #4

Without an academic schedule to make me take time off, I think it's very important to make sure that I take time to myself. After all my co-worker was correct when he said "If you're on salary you have to make yourself stop working, because your employer will never tell you when to stop. The more you work, the better value they are getting." And making myself stop working I shall.

Hence my Selfish Sunday Resolution: Take one day a month off to do NOTHING but exactly what I want to do.

Things that I'm not allowed to do on my "me day"-

  • Pay my bills
  • Run errands
  • Work
  • Clean

Acceptable "me day" activites-

  • Mani/pedis
  • Shopping
  • Watching girly movies on my Yankee Manfriend's monster TV
  • Lunch dates with my favorite ladies
  • Receiving breakfast in bed