Thursday, March 5, 2009

Thoughtful Thursday: Resolutions Revisited

So I thought this Thursday I would look back and see how I was doing on my New Years Resolutions.

  1. My Thoughtful Thursday resolution: Do a better job of deciding what I want and making a plan to get there. So far this is going pretty well, I've planned out my 1, 2, and 5 year career plans and discussed them with my boss so we're all on the same page.
  2. Fabulous Friday: Resolution #2: Shop more. Check. Spurred by the need to do some shopping for a fabulous weekend in Vegas with my girls, I have increased my spending on clothing and have purchased one item suitable for the 9-5 every two weeks. Additionally, with the help of Lisa's plan to also eat in more during the week (Lisa, her boy N.E.B., my Y.M. and myself were double dating it 2-3 times a week), I've cut my "Restaurant" spending by $50 in both January and February. Yay!!!
  3. Sabbatical Saturday: Resolution #3:Vacation more. Already hit Vegas (and was under budget by the way...) with the girls in February and I have a plan to go to Houston and Dallas in June taking care of quarters 1 and 2 of this year.
  4. Selfish Sundays: Resolution #4: Take one day a month off to do NOTHING but exactly what I want to do. Sadly this is one that I'm failing on so far. The second half of January and all of February came and went without a day where there wasn't something on the agenda. I guess I'll have to take two days in March...
  5. Money Monday: Resolution #5: Track my finances using the CHECK! I love Mint as much as I love Google...and that's saying a lot.
  6. Teach It Tuesday: Resolution #6: Take classes. Hmm...I have failed to sign up for any classes so far this year. Need to get on that...
  7. (house)Work Wednesday: Resolution #7: Cook more meals at home. In January I cooked my one meal from scratch (Simply Chicken Parm from but in February I didn't cook a single meal and I was supposed to do

So here's where we stand-

  • Done (100%)- 4
  • Half assed (50%)- 1
  • Haven't even started (0%)- 2

My resolution score: 64% completed

How are you doing with your goals?

Monday, March 2, 2009

Money Monday: Haggling...umm...Negotiating

Got this article about haggling prices from Ladies Home Journal (yep...LHJ...I'll admit I get a weekly newsletter from them.)

How to Save Money on Just About Anything

What are things worth haggling for? According to LHJ...

  1. Big ticket items
  2. Hotel rooms (FACT, saved my crew $300 on a trip to Vegas recently...)
  3. Bulk purchases
  4. Anything damaged
  5. Anything already marked down
  6. Healthcare

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Selfish Sunday: Rainy Days

Rainy day + stuffy nose day 10 = Changing my agenda for the day from meetings all day to my favorite pajamas + a book + my bed + Advil Cold and Sinus.

Sometimes you just have to take care of yourself. Just sayin'.