Wednesday, January 7, 2009

(house)Work Wednesday: Resolution #7

Note: Sorry for the delay in sending. I drafted but did not schedule this posting.

Finally my last resolution: Cook more meals at home.

Now, I'm not a big I don't cook at all...and I think 2009 is the year to work on that.

My plan?

Slowly increase the number of meals I cook from scratch at home. This is going to sound awful but I figured out that I haven't made a meal from scratch since September (and when I say "from scratch" Velveeta Mac and Cheese would count...) All my "at home" meals come out of frozen food packages or my Yankee Manfriend makes them for me. So this year I'm going to make sure that every month I will make at least the number of meals that corresponds with the month (i.e.: January-1, September-9.)

With the help of Better Home and Gardens,, and Shape hopefully I'll stop feeling so awkward in the kitchen.


Lisa said...

Guess we didn't do so hot on that tonight, huh?

GBPPAngel said...


Made Simple Chicken Parm from and it was awesome.