Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Teach It Tuesday: My new "favorite" foods

I went to the doctor a couple weeks back and after some blood test was told that I have high cholesterol. I expected it to be a little high from my awesome college eating habits, but didn't expect it to be as high as it was...especially since I'm in my mid 20s.

Luckily because I am in my mid 20s, there's changes I can make now to get it back down where it should be and keep it there without medication or too much worry about long lasting damage. In honor of my cholesterol enlightenment, here are some facts about it that I hope will help you all out.

  • Your cholesterol should be under 200mg/DL and your triglyceride level should be under 150 mg/dL.
  • One of the main sources of cholesterol in the human diet is animal fats (especially in red meat and eggs.)
  • Foods that are high in saturated and/or trans fat are usually also high in cholesterol.
  • Cholesterol is required to built and maintain cell membranes but your body creates cholesterol on its own, so you don't have to eat it to get enough of it.
  • A person with normal cholesterol levels should limit themselves to 300mg of cholesterol a day to remain healthy. Those who need to lower it (like me) should stick to 200mg or less.
  • If you want to lower your cholesterol, foods that are high in soluble fiber will help a lot.

This is the "increase these in your diet list" from my doctor:

  • Soy products
  • Red wine
  • Oatmeal
  • Almonds
  • Fish
  • Garlic

High cholesterol can lead to a higher risk of heart disease because cholesterol will sit on the walls of your arteries like spackle, making it difficult for blood to flow properly. Ewww.

Here's an additional source for more information: American Heart Association


Lisa said...

Cinnamon helps a lot too. My Mom used it instead of Rx.

Lisa said...

Did you say red wine? HOLLER. I'll bring the first bottle!