Saturday, January 3, 2009

Sabbatical Saturday: Resolution #3

My Sabbatical Saturday Resolution: Vacation more

I've been told that I'm a workaholic, most recently by my oldest friend, who I haven't seen in 2 years even though he lives at the beach and is in town for every holiday.

After he said that, I got to thinking about all the friends that I have scattered across the country and my love for going on why haven't I seen them more often? Cause I won't take time off and go anywhere and then in October I'm all burned out at work. There's really no excuse for that when I get 4-5 weeks vacation time a year....

This will not be the case in 2009. My plan is to go on a trip once a quarter in which I take PTO and don't take my laptop.

I've already got this quarter figured out because in about a month I'll be in LAS VEGAS with my girls for a bachelorette party. :-)

My thoughts for the other 3 quarters?
3 out of the USA's 4 largest cities: NYC, LA, Chicago, and Houston


Lisa said...

I'm innnnnnn! Take me, take me!